Excited...then blackout

This year has been a year of blackouts in our street. This isn't normal, this isn't expected, I'm a little embarrassed to say that we take power for granted in the UK.

This month has been a month of blackouts in our street. We've woken up to my alarm going off, and realised that Anna's won't be. Typically we've lost 5-10 hours of power once a week.

Yesterday it finally broke. I got home in a state of excitement as my D300 arrived at work and I wanted to take pictures and read the manual and the weather was terrible, black clouds, squally rain and..no power. Five minutes before I arrived home the power went off and it didn't return until the small hours of this morning. Apparently they had to dig up the road (not our road strangely - even though only our road was affected) in the middle of the night. Hopefully they've fixed it once and for all.

Close-up of the pages of a book 5/6
Close-up of the pages of a book 5/6

So after we popped out for dinner, I managed to read 50 pages of the 427 page D300 manual...yes 427 pages. This thing is more powerful than the laptop I'm writing on. It literally wants to take pictures for you. It is a piece of art too, the screen on the back, the viewfinder, the live view and the feel of the photos it produces. It is honestly like rediscovering professional photography again. For the first time I've found a camera which makes everything look better than it really is.

Of course I'm sure I can find a way to take boring pictures, after all, that's what I do. Until I get back home I won't be able to show off any pictures, but this camera will get me shooting again, even if I fail QC (which I'm sure I'll manage), I won't care because I can shoot landscapes with this camera...a subject which was off limits for stock at 6MP.

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