Alamy Measures Stats October 2008

I think I am losing enthusiasm for Alamy. Whilst it provides a meaningful outlet for my photography, it is rather soulless as far as photography goes. It does not reward artistic merit but rather rewards those who can "produce" photos, something I have not scratched the surface of. November in England is not an inspiring place for the artistically shallow!

Here is my view of Alamy for the month of October:

Proportion of searches for:

1 word = 18% , average of 19.00 pages viewed
2 words = 50% , average of 20.04 pages viewed
3 words = 20% , average of 7.44 pages viewed
4 words = 9% , average of 5.44 pages viewed
5+ words = 3% , average of 8.73 pages viewed

Total number of pictures at end of month: 375
Number of sales for month: 0
Average number of my pictures viewed matching query: 2.01
Total average CTR for searches in which my images appeared: 0.95%
My CTR: 0.65%
The A-Bomb Dome at night with moon, Hiroshima, Japan 3/3
The A-Bomb Dome at night with moon, Hiroshima, Japan 3/3

Proportion of searches for:

4 letter words 19.93%
5 letter words 16.93%
7 letter words 15.52%
6 letter words 12.87%
3 letter words 11.82%
8 letter words 6.70%
9 letter words 5.47%
2 letter words 4.94%
10 letter words 3.53%
11 letter words 1.94%
15 letter words 0.35%

Most popular words (top 5 in each position ignoring "and"):

First word: snowman cape christmas haunted UK boots
Second word: house town UK garden cards shrine
Third word: UK cape town chemist money
Fourth word: town UK money turbine open sign warm group africa driveway
Fifth word: EUROS
Any position: snowman insulation ludlow ostrich Hiroshima

Most popular subjects:

japanese: (home OR Bullet train)
willow: (river England OR tree river)
UK: (road signs OR foorball ground OR motorway OR autumn hedgerow)
old: (house OR paper)
car: (wash OR wind turbine) ?!?!
affordable housing: (UK OR building)
empty restaurant: (UK OR London)
baby: (stroller OR hide OR strollers)
christmas: (angel OR cards OR stars)
home: (depot OR ventilation)
queue: (UK OR Britain)

In contrast to the stats that I can gather from my own Measures data, here is what the whole of Alamy is searching for:

Most popular Alamy searches (top 5 in each position ignoring "alamy" as a search):

by number of unique customers searching: Christmas "christmas tree" barcelona fireworks football "credit crunch" iceland
by number of sales: meditation "historical art collection HAC" "venice art" "northern ireland" "child yoga"
by number of zooms: Nice Skagway "person and red" puppy madrid

There is no good news this month. I've added 100 pictures in the last month and my CTR has more than halved. Even though Alamy's CTR is depressed this month, this is not good news. I think I need to create a new Pseudonym to house my Travel pictures as they are terrible at the moment (in fact, I ought to remove them altogether at this rate). Time for a bit of reflection on what should be on my portfolio I think, before I dissappear into the lowest ranks of Alamy.


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